Academic Policies
Grading System
A single, final grade is recorded for each scheduled course at the end of each term. Academic standing at Berkeley is based upon the grading system shown below.
Grade | Grade Point Equivalent | Percentage Equivalent | Explanation |
A | 4.00 | 90-100% | Excellent |
B+ | 3.50 | 85-89% | Very Good |
B | 3.00 | 80-84% | Good |
C+ | 2.50 | 75-79% | Above Average |
C | 2.00 | 70-74% | Average |
D | 1.00 | 60-69% | Lowest passing grade |
F | 0 | – | Failing |
FA | – | Course Failure Stopped Attending | |
P | None | – | Passing |
I | None | – | Incomplete |
W | None | – | Withdrawal/Nonparticipation |
WP | None | – | Withdrawal/Passing |
WF | None | – | Withdrawal/Failing |
Computation of Grade Point Average (GPA):
To compute the GPA for the term, each letter grade is converted to the grade point equivalent listed above. Then, that grade point is multiplied by the number of credits designated for the course. This procedure is followed for each course. Next, the number of grade point equivalents for all courses is added. That total is then divided by the total number of credits attempted for the term. The result is the term GPA. To compute the cumulative GPA, the grade point equivalents for all courses taken in all terms are added. That total is then divided by the total number of credits attempted in all terms. The result is the cumulative GPA.
Incomplete Grades:
- An Incomplete (“I”) is a temporary grade which may be assigned by a faculty member to a student who, for reasons beyond their control, cannot finish the assigned course work by the end of the term as defined in the course syllabus.
- The following conditions apply to this grade:
- The student’s work to date is passing (D or better)
- Required work may be reasonably completed in the agreed upon time frame
- The “I” is not assigned as a substitute for an “F” or other such failing grade
- The “I” is not used as a means of raising a grade by doing additional work after a final grade has been assigned.
- The student initiates the request for the grade before the end of the term.
- Students must initiate the process using the Incomplete Grade Contract eForm and obtain the approval of their instructor and the instructor’s Department Chair or Division Director. This contract will specify what work remains, how it is to be completed, the grades earned in all assignments to date and the deadline. It will remain in the student’s record, with finalized copies to the student, instructor and the appropriate Department Chair or Division Director.
- Faculty who have agreed to this process may assign an “I” before the grade deadline; the contract is due in the student’s record within two weeks of this date. Contracts which are not received within two weeks will result in an “F” grade being assigned.
- The deadline for initiating the process is 24 hours before the final exam for that course, absent any exigent circumstances which would prevent a student from making the request. However, students are encouraged to engage in dialogue with their instructor as soon as they are aware that circumstances may delay completion of course work.
- The faculty and student will determine a mutually agreeable deadline for completion of the course work; however, this cannot be later than the last day of the subsequent semester in which the course was taken. The student should be encouraged to complete work as soon as reasonably possible.
- A student, upon consultation with their faculty member, may appeal to extend the deadline for the “I,” however; this extension may not be longer than the final day of the subsequent term in which the course was taken.
- Failure to meet the agreed upon deadline will result in an “F” grade being recorded on the students’ academic record. Absent exigent circumstances, this action is not subject to appeal.
- Failure to meet the agreed upon deadline will result in an “F” grade being recorded on the students’ academic record. Absent exigent circumstances, this action is not subject to appeal.
Course Withdrawal:
Students who wish to drop a course must send an email to confirming which course they would like to drop. Courses dropped during the add/drop period (first week for seven-week courses and first two weeks for all other courses) do not appear on the student’s transcript. Withdrawal from a seven-week course between weeks two and four will result in a grade of WP or WF, and withdrawal from a 15-week course between weeks three and 12 will result in a grade of WP or WF, which indicates whether the student was passing or failing the course at the time of withdrawal. A grade of W will be assigned to students who enrolled in, but did not participate in, a course. Students who do not officially withdraw from a course will receive a letter grade that reflects their achievement.
FA Grade:
Federal law requires students who have been awarded any type of Federal Student Aid (FSA) to fulfill their academic requirements. If a student fails to earn a passing grade in at least one course, an assessment must be made to determine whether the student earned the non-passing grades while participating in courses, or, whether the student stopped participating in courses, but did not officially withdraw. If a student stopped participating in courses after the final date for withdrawal, which is week 4 for 7-week courses and week 12 for 15-week courses, a grade of “FA” - Course Failure Stopped Attending - will be assigned. The FA grade is assigned by the faculty to any student who meets both of the following conditions:
• They failed the class, and
• They have not actively attended and/or participated since the last enrollment verification.
An “FA” grade notation affects a student’s grade point average as any other F grade and will appear in the transcript as an “F” grade. No other grades, such as an “I,” may be assigned under these circumstances.
*The College operates one 15-week term and two 7-week sub-terms. During the second, fourth, seventh, and eleventh week of each term, by no later than the posting deadline, faculty members must submit an enrollment verification form for each class they are teaching. Enrollment verification occurs during the second and fourth weeks of 7-week courses. Forms are to be submitted online through Canvas.
Faculty will complete enrollment verification by assessing each student's participation in academically related activities. For enrollment verification purposes, "participation" is defined as completing course work and/or initiating any contact of an academic nature with faculty. Examples of participation include, but are not limited to, responding to discussion board posts, emailing/calling faculty regarding the course or course work, completing assessments, or other reasonable means where the student demonstrates engagement or the intent to engage in the course.”
Repeating Courses:
An undergraduate student who has achieved a grade of D or below or a grade of W may repeat the course at the current tuition rate as indicated on the Continuing Education website. Students in the School of Health Studies may have varying accreditation and course requirements.
Course Syllabus:
Students receive a syllabus for each course during the first week of the term/session. The syllabus contains the instructor's name and office hours, a general description of the course and its contents, a statement of learning outcomes, descriptions of the instructor's attendance and grading policies, the academic integrity policy, arranging for disability accommodations, and a list of major assignments.
Academic Time Commitment:
Coursework performed outside of the classroom (such as reading, studying, writing papers, doing projects, or receiving tutoring) is critical to academic success. While the time requirements for individual students may vary somewhat, a general rule of thumb is that students should spend about two hours outside the classroom for every hour required in it. For more information, please see the Berkeley College Semester Credit Hour Assignment Policy.
Grade Appeal:
Policy, Scope and Intent
The assessment of the quality of a student’s academic performance is one of the major responsibilities of college faculty members. This assessment is solely and properly their responsibility. It is essential for the standards of the academic programs at Berkeley College and the integrity of the degrees conferred by this institution that the professional judgments of faculty members not be subjected to pressures or other interference from any source.
It is presumed that the grade assigned by a faculty member is correct. Thus, the burden of proof that it is not correct or was improperly awarded rests on the student who files the appeal.
This appeals process provides an opportunity for the student to initiate a review of a perceived injustice in the final determination of a course grade. Appeal is available only for review of alleged arbitrary or capricious grading. “Arbitrary or capricious grading”, as used herein, is limited to one or more of the following:
- The instructor failed to notify students in a clear and timely manner as to the basis for grade determination;
- The assignment of a final grade deviates substantially from the instructor’s previously announced standards;
- The grade is assigned on some basis other than the student’s performance in the course;
- There is demonstrable evidence of discrimination or prejudice in the final grade assignment;
- There was a demonstrable error in calculating the grade.
A grade appeal is not appropriate when a student simply disagrees with the faculty member’s judgment about the quality of the student’s work. Appeals are for grades received in a course, not for those received for individual assignments (though individual assignments may nonetheless be the basis of disputing the course grade). Appeals are for course grades after the end of the term. Appeals are not accepted in anticipation of course grades or because of final scheduling. A course grade must be based on evidence of the student’s academic performance. The student must have access to the evidence; the instructor must explain and interpret the evidence to the student. A single evaluative standard must be applied to all students in a course section. It is also expected that grades be determined in accordance with written guidelines provided by the instructor.
The Appeals Process
- The first appeal is made to the professor of the course. This should be submitted by the end of the Add/Drop period of the following term. The student should gather all evidence of academic work, the course syllabus, and well-thought out reasoning why this grade was incorrect. The student will then submit all information through the Grade Appeal eForm. If the professor agrees that the grade assigned for the course is incorrect, he or she will approve the grade appeal request and submit a Change of Grade form to the Registrar within five class days.
- In the event that the faculty member is not available, either because he or she is on leave, sabbatical, or no longer employed by the College, the student may appeal to the Department Chair/Division Director by the end of the Add/Drop period of the following term. If the faculty member is no longer employed by the College, then the Chair/Director will serve as the instructor of record.
- If concerns remain after appeal with the faculty member, the student may elect for the Department Chair/Division Director to review.
Second Appeal: Department Chair/Division Director
- The formal appeal is initiated within two weeks of the faculty member’s decision. This appeal is initiated with the Chair/Director of the department/division which offers the course. The student will complete and submit the Grade Appeal Form, available online.
- The Chair/Director will consult, separately, with the student and with the faculty member. The Chair/Director will make a written decision to support the faculty member or a recommendation to the faculty member in support of the student’s position within one week of meeting with both parties. If Chair/Director agrees that the grade assigned for the course is incorrect, he or she will approve the grade appeal request and submit a Change of Grade form to the Registrar within five class days.
- If concerns remain after meeting with the Chair/Director and the faculty member, the student may initiate a final appeal with the Dean of the School/Division.
Final Appeal: Dean of the School/Division
- The student must initiate the final appeal within one week of receiving the Chair’s/Director’s decision. The appropriate Dean is the school/division in which the course was taught, not necessarily the student’s major Dean.
- The Dean, in consultation with the Chair/Director, the faculty member, and the student, will make a final written decision to support the faculty member or a recommendation to the faculty member in support of the student’s position on the grade appeal within five class days. If the Dean agrees that the grade assigned for the course is incorrect, he or she will approve the grade appeal request and submit a Change of Grade form to the Registrar.
- All parties involved in the appeals process must adhere to the timeline delineated in this policy.
- While this policy is designed to resolve any disputes in as short a time as possible, there may be a time when a student wishes to have the process completed prior to the start of the following term. The process can be accelerated in this case, provided that the student initiates the appeal as soon as possible.
- In extreme circumstances, the Dean may extend the timeline, at his/her discretion.
Add/Drop Policy:
Students enrolled in 15-week courses may add a course or courses to their schedules prior to the start of the second week of the term. Accelerated courses cannot be added after the start of the term. Fifteen-week courses dropped during the first two weeks of classes do not appear on the student’s transcript. Accelerated courses dropped during the first week of classes do not appear on the student’s transcript.
Canceled Classes:
The College reserves the right to cancel courses or scheduled sections of courses at its discretion.
Accommodating a Disability
Non-Discrimination - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
In accordance with federal law, Berkeley College does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its programs and activities.
For questions regarding implementation of disability services offered at Berkeley College, please contact Katherine Wu, Director, Disability Services, at 212-986-4343 ext. 4211 or
Individual requests for accommodations may be referred to the College ADA/Section 504 Coordinators: [NJ and Online students] Sandra Coppola, 973-278-5400?ext. 1320 or; [NY students] Diane Georges, 212-986-4343 ext.4216 or In addition, each individual campus has a Disability Services representative via the Personal Counseling Office. These Personal Counselors work with the ADA/Section 504 Coordinators for the purpose of reasonably accommodating students with disabilities. A student seeking accommodations must schedule an appointment with either the above-stated ADA/504 Coordinators, or a campus Personal Counselor, in order to submit an Application for Disability Services and Accommodations and to confirm requested accommodations. Contact information for the College Personal Counselors can be found on the College Health and Wellness website.
In accordance with its Disability Services Accommodations Policy for Students, Berkeley College strives to reasonably accommodate the needs of students with disabilities. For information regarding how to request a reasonable accommodation of a disability, please go to ADA Student Policy and to the College Disability Services page.
Admission to a Berkeley College Certificate or Degree Program:
Completion of a Berkeley College continuing education course or program does not guarantee admission to a Berkeley College certificate or degree program. A prospective student must apply, and meet all of the admissions criteria, in order to be considered for admission to a Berkeley College certificate or degree program. However, students who complete a continuing education certificate program of at least four courses, with an average grade of B (3.0) or better, are waived from taking the Next Generation Accuplacer admissions exam. All College-wide and program-specific admissions criteria must be met. Please review the Berkeley College admissions criteria, as well as the admissions criteria for your specific program of interest (if applicable), for additional information.
College Closing:
The College seldom closes due to inclement weather. In cases of extreme weather or emergencies, however, the closing of each College campus will be made available over the Internet at Campus Closing Information and by phone as an option on the automated phone menu at each campus.
Closings only apply to on-site students. Work will continue in the online platform for both online and many on-site students. On-site students will be contacted by their instructors regarding the week’s requirements.
Schedules for closures and delayed openings are distributed through BerkAlert and posted at Campus Closing Information.
Students in the Continuing Education programs and courses are not eligible for Berkeley College grants, scholarships, financial aid, VA benefits, or career assistance.
Please Note:
Berkeley College reserves the right to revise course offerings, cancel scheduled courses, or make any other curriculum changes that the College, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate. The College may limit an individual student’s course load as needed to facilitate the student’s academic success. Such changes may affect the estimated duration of the student’s program.