This certificate provides students with the foundational concepts to begin preparing for various credentials in the supply chain field promulgated by the Association for Supply Chain Management, the Institute for Supply Management, and other professional industry specific organizations.
The Supply Chain Management Certificate creates new areas of learning and future career development for participants.
The supply chain management principles that allow organizations to serve customers with their products, services, and other supported businesses, are presented. Participants will gain valuable insight into career opportunities that exist at most manufacturing, service, distribution, and e-commerce organizations.
The Supply Chain Certificate will consist of case studies, global supply chain management news, and experiential learning. This Certificate will bring participants closer to multiple and attractive opportunities in the business world, in both domestic and international organizations.
Supply and Supply Chain Management related certification exams are not provided by Berkeley College, and their cost is not covered by tuition.
Current information, including but not limited to, costs, examinations, and further requirements for certification must be obtained directly from the Association for Supply Chain Management (, the Institute for Supply Management (, and other professional industry-specific organizations.
Individuals with a high school diploma or its equivalent are welcome to enroll in this certificate program.
The program can be completed in just two semesters by taking two courses (six credits) per semester. The courses in the certificate in the Supply Chain Management program can be taken Online.
The 12 credits gained through the Supply Chain Management Certificate will count towards certain specific degree programs in the Larry L. Luing School of Business, should participants wish to apply to those programs.
Semester 1
- MGT3110 Supply Chain Management
- MGT3210 Logistics and Distribution Management
Semester 2
- MGT4120 Supply Chain Risk and Financial Management
- MGT4210 Supply Chain Leadership and Resource Management
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Students in the Continuing Education programs and courses are not eligible for Berkeley College grants, scholarships, financial aid, VA benefits, or career assistance.